Sonja's Success: Old School Resume turned Job Magnet
Jan 06, 2024
I want you to meet someone who has become very special to me.

So, it feels fitting to feature her story and how I got to be part of her journey. I jumped on Zoom a few weeks ago with Sonja so she could tell me the story again, because it’s been a few years since I worked on her resume. I wanted to know what events led her to me and why she is ALWAYS sending me clients. I don’t think anyone has referred quite so many people to me. I knew I had to get the full picture. I think you’re going to smile reading it. (Stick around to the end for the resume before & after)
Sonja had been with a company for 15 years. She never expected to need a resume. However, that company was acquired and she found herself about to be laid off. Sonja has multiple degrees and great experience. She was certain she would be able to find something when she was ready. What she didn’t realize was that resumes had changed a bit (a lot) in 15 years.
As she got closer to needing to find that next step, she went to a conference to make some connections. She met a woman who asked for her resume and Sonja was ready...with her old school resume on that fancy resume paper. Do you remember carrying around a folder with your fancy printed resumes? If not, don’t worry. It won’t be making a comeback! The lady was a little taken aback by her dated (and printed) resumé and asked if she could send it to her electronically. She gave Sonja feedback on the resumé itself because it really needed some work.
It’s not a good feeling when you know you have what it takes, but can’t seem to make the kind of impression you want. That's where she was stuck.
Not long after, Sonja saw me share my resumé business on Facebook and decided to trust me to bring her resumé up to date. I was so excited to make this amazing woman shine. Once all the final touches were made, she shared it on LinkedIn and got immediate feedback from so many people saying, “Wow! I am so impressed with your resume!” She was told how much it stood out and how well it was laid out and easy to read. Not only that, Sonja said it gave her so much confidence. She said to me, “I would hire myself!”
That’s all great, but the true results are in the response from employers, right? Sonja was able to confidently share it with a recruiter and has since had many impressive contract roles in her field. Each time she gets a new contract, she leverages her resumé to increase her roles and her pay. THAT is what I love to see, right there.
Here's what her resumé looked like when I received it initially (the first page):

And here was the first page after I gave it a complete transformation (contact info blacked out)With her success, she started sharing my name all over the place! Sometimes she would share my services with someone and they would express hesitation on spending any money on their resume. You know what she tells them? I swear, I MUST hire her. She says, “When you have an interview, you will have to invest in a suit. You could easily spend $200 on your interview clothes. But you know what? That’s what you have to do to get that role. Your resume will pay in dividends if you invest in it.” I just couldn’t put it better myself.
Sonja is the type of client who reminds me of why I love this work and why I’m so excited to soon start teaching it to others. Everyone deserves to feel confident in applying for what they want, and then applying for promotions! You should look at your resumé and see your amazing value reflected. Your story told. And the interviews should flood doubt in my mind!
Think you resume might be stuck in the past like Sonja’s was? I highly recommend checking out my course, Resume Roadmap.