From Crickets to MANY Interviews. Meet Anthony.
Jan 13, 2024

This is Anthony. He may just be one of my favorite success stories to tell. Anthony was working his way up in the IT field but working more than one job. He had one foot in his previous career and the other in an IT role. He was ready for a shift into being 100% in IT, because that's his sweet spot. And he loves it.
Side note: take a lesson from Anthony here. Don't stay in a field that drains you. If something else interests you, start getting your feet wet. Get the training you need, take some entry level jobs on the side, whatever you need to do to get moving toward your dreams. Don't wait or remain stuck.
So, Anthony was applying. A lot. He wasn't hearing anything back or getting the interviews he really deserved. In fact, he even sometimes got negative feedback on his resume. The problem is, no one teaches you how to write and design your resume. He's not alone in struggling to stand out. He reached out to me, shared his goals and what kinds of roles he was wanting to go for, and I got to work.
His old resume was laid out in such a way that there was a lot of wasted space. He didn't have a Profile section that grabbed attention and highlighted what makes him qualified. He had an Objective at the top. (This is actually one of the seven common mistakes in my free guide: 7 Things to Take Off Your Resume Right Now)
His certifications and training within the IT field were hanging out on a second page. When you've made a career change and are trying to highlight why you're qualified for a role in your new field, make sure whatever DOES qualify you is front and center! I put his top IT certification IN his new Profile section so that it was the first thing seen on his resume. I still had it all detailed out in the Education section as well. Repetition isn't a bad thing when there is something important that you don't want to be overlooked!
Here's what it looked like before (with identifying info covered):

Here's what my transformation did for his resume (second page image cropped for space):

"Just wanted to reach out and tell you how much I appreciate you doing my résumé. I have sent my résumé out to about 15 different employers already. I got back hits with most of them within 24 hours. Employers are showing interest very quickly. Thank you so much."
These emails make me do a happy dance. This is a BIG DEAL. What happened next was even better. It was all him. After all those interviews, he got offered MULTIPLE jobs and got to CHOOSE which one best suited him.
He was worthy of all those interview before I ever touched his resume. If he had gotten their attention, he would've been offered all of those jobs. I know it feels like a resume is just a Word document that makes you kind of want to puke when you look at it. I get that. But, it is literally the one marketing piece between you and interviews.
Anthony sent me so many referrals. Gosh, it still makes me smile thinking about how happy he was. His confidence was soaring.
Anthony was one of my last few clients I took this year. I created my online course, Resume Roadmap, to give you all my tools so that you can learn what you were never taught: how to create a resume that gets you noticed. I get really giddy when I think about the impact of teaching my system and providing my templates to countless people. I don't want to just help 2-3 people like Anthony each month. I want to help so many more.
Your success story is coming soon! I cannot wait to read it.